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Beeston Canal


A challenging but easy to navigate walk, giving a range of views and areas.

Enjoy a long walk alongside the River Trent followed by Beeston Canal with a great opportunity to look back from Clifton Bridge over the walk you have just managed. Take the chance to make it all the way to Beeston and, if you're feeling energetic, to Attenborough Nature Reserve. This walk gives you the fun opportunity to see both sides of the river in a delightful comparison, as well as the interesting man-made habitat alongside the canal.

Rough length:

6.8 miles

2 hours 15 minutes


Gravel track for the majority of the route - may not be appropriate for some wheelchairs or pushchairs.


- Trent Riverside

- Beeston Ryelands, Weir, Lock and Canalside

- Clifton Bridge

Beeston Canal Walk.jpg


We suggest you start at the north end of Wilford Toll Bridge, i.e. the other end from the Ferry Inn.

Step 1

Follow Riverside Way westbound from Wilford Toll Bridge, remaining on the cycle/footpath, joining Queens Drive, alongside the river for some time. Across the river, you can view the church, gazebo and Henry Kirke White Manor House. Continue until you can see the Bee Bank wall directly opposite you on the other side of the river. Shortly after this point, a footpath will turn off to the left of Queens Drive. Take this path.

Step 2

Following this path, you will gradually come closer to and more level with the river. Remain on this footpath for some time. Enjoy the tranquil views across the river. Eventually, you will come to Clifton Bridge above you. Continue below the bridge and remain on the riverside gravel path for 2 miles (roughly 40 minutes). You will eventually reach Beeston Rylands Weir. Enjoy the views across the weir. Before moving on, you may wish to visit Beeston Lock, crossing the footpath bridge towards Beeston Marina and, further, Attenborough Nature Reserve.

Step 3

Continue along the gravel track along the south edge of the canal, heading east, i.e. turning right, away from the Canalside Heritage Centre and away from the river. ​Continue along this path for 1.2 miles (roughly 25 minutes) until, ahead of a road bridge, a footpath branches off to the right to meet Thane Road - take this footpath to the right.

Step 4

Now on Thane Road, continue east along the path for 0.7 miles (​roughly 15 minutes) until you reach the roundabout ahead of Clifton Bridge. Follow the road on your right, Lenton Lane, past the subway entrance on your left and following the branch on your left bringing you onto Clifton Bridge. 

Step 5

Continue over the bridge - make sure you enjoy the views west over the River Trent where you have just walked and along Clifton Grove to your left. When ready, continue over Clifton Bridge. Either take the steps on your right or continue for the gradual ramp bringing you to Clifton Lane. On your left, cross Clifton Lane to the other side of the road - walking up the bank to the pavement on top. Turn left and follow the path down to the carpark on your right.

Step 6

Turning right, again, follow the path leaving the car park along the bottom of the flood embankment and underneath Clifton Bridge. Continue along this path alongside the river. It will eventually bring you up and over the flood embankment wall and alongside the houses/garden fences on your right. Continue until you reach the stile at the southern edge of the Bee Bank.

Step 7

Continue along the Bee Bank and, further, along Main Road. Remain on Main Road past the Village Green until you meet the Ferry Inn on your left and tram tracks on your right. Continue in a straight line to come alongside the tram track and over Wilford Toll Bridge -  you will have reached the start point.

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